Contact person: Youth Center Baze
- Youth Center Baze
- Host: Youth Center Baze:
- Location: Gulbene, Latvia
- Deadline: 01/06/2015
- Start: 01/06/2015
- End: 01/05/2016
Short idea and description of the project “Wind of change” is to bring two different personalities (volunteers) to a small town Gulbene (around 9 000 inhabitants) and to create for them save and motivated space for their creative activities together with local youngsters.
Main task for the volunteers will be to organize different free time activities, but preference will be for youngsters who could organize specific weekly (at least once in a week) a workshop for local youngsters based on their skills – dance, improvisation theater, creative workshop, multimedia or musical (Dj, playing instruments). Moreover there will be some bigger activities during the project when volunteers will be asked to take part – to plan, to prepare and to implement the activities together with youth center workers and youngsters. Volunteer will have some official events and some optional (both volunteers can choose whether in preparing these “big” events together or separately). Planned “big” activities: 1)European day (May); 2)Day-camp for kids (1 working week in June, July and August) 3)Youth day (July) 4)Youth center “Baze” anniversary (September) 5)Autumn school holidays (1 week in October) 6)Latvian National holidays (November 11 and 18) 7)Annual Youth Award Ceremony (January) 8) Closing party of the project (February) The volunteers’ initiative and new ideas will be welcomed; therefore there could be more tasks and activities for them if they will want so.
We are searching for two volunteers who are active, responsible, communicable and interesting, who can organize free time activities for other youngsters and kids. Preference will be for volunteers who have the knowledge, experience and skills in one of these areas: – dance (street dance, contemporary or Latino) – Multimedia – Improvisational theater, – Musical (Dj, playing instruments) – Creative workshops (handicrafts) – We are not searching for professionals in both fields but the volunteers who love these areas and are ready to work and share their skills with local youngsters. – We prefer to have volunteers who are ready to lead the structured workshops, but at the same time ready to leave space for spontaneous and crazy ideas to implement together with local youth.
If your profile fits to the one we are searching please contact the person who send you this vacancy or contact directly the project coordinator Valerija Oleksa or We would like to read your CV and motivation letter till 1th of June, 2015. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate and contact us!